A few recommendations

“I have known Bishop Tinsley since he was a young boy. As a teenager, he was in my Sunday School Class. I could see that he had wisdom and Knowledge beyond his years. I have enjoyed his ministry. I have been inspired and uplifted by his ministry. He has grown and matured into a great man of GOD.”

 James L. Tucker, Jr. Retired C.E.O. of Cherokee Sprinkler Co. Inc.


“A message from the heart is always relevant and timely.  Tinsley Ministries is relevant and timely.  The contemporary church seeks authenticity, and Paul brings that to the pulpit every single time”

Pastor Josh Benson (M.A. New Testament Exegesis; Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)


” I have known Paul Tinsley since 1985 during that time Paul has impressed me with his dedication and honesty. There is a real burden for the Lord in his ministry and I feel Paul has the call of God on his life. Paul has worked with me in several revivals and special services and has always been a blessing to the body of Christ. It is with confidence that I recommend him and feel that he will be an asset to any organization.”

{Rev. Ronald Reagan (Retired Pastor,  Retired State Evangelist Church of God.


Paul preaches wonderfully and takes the calling that God has placed on his life very serious. He is one of the most humble men we have ever met, with a heart of gold and anointed by God.

{Rev. Bill Jackson  Retired Pastor  Church of God,  Former Tenn State Evangelist


“Paul worked his way through the ministerial ranks of License Minister, then received his ordination papers after time served. He has served his Lord as an evangelist across the Eastern United States and has made one trip to Guatemala. He has served his church faithfully as evangelist and teacher in the rest homes and prisons and on radio.”

{Rev. Henry Parks


“Paul is a man that has the call of God upon his life and the support of his family. He brings many gifts unto the church. He has assisted me greatly in ministry with his ability to preach, teach, and lead.

{Pastor Herbert Ward
